Banssi - House of Bansilal (‘Company’, ‘We’) values customer relations and is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This privacy policy published herewith describes our best practices with respect to the Personal Data collected by us from the Users of our websites (‘Site’) and our services. Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meanings given in our Terms of Use.
Submission of your Personal Data means the terms of this privacy policy are agreed upon by you. You express your consent to collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data in compliance with the Privacy Policy contained herein.
Users who are less than 13 years of age, their Personal Data is not collected by us intentionally
Personal Data of the users may be processed in the nation where the records were registered and, in the countries, where the laws pertaining to such processing may be less strict as compared to the laws prevailing in the former.
Any Anonymous and / or Personal Data is collected by us from the users when the users visit our websites and / or any form of communication or information is sent to us. For the sake of understanding, Personal Data would mean the data provided by the users that gives user’s identity and permits one to contact the user. This shall include user’s name, contact number, mailing address, email address, etc. This also includes any other non-public information about the user that is linked to any of the former data. On the contrary, data not linked to the Personal Data of the users is termed as Anonymous Data. Anonymous Data does not by itself, reveals or allows the identity of the users. The Anonymous and Personal Data collected by us are described herewith –
• The Personal Data provided by the users while registering or creating an account (“Account”) on our website to connect to our network shall include First Name, Last Name, Mailing Address, Email Address, Gender, Professional Designation, Company Name and Password.
• The information stored in the Account by the users such as designs, messages and other files are retained by us.
• The information like the name and email address of the users and any such or other information sent to us vide email in the form of feedback or contact shall be collected by us in order to send a response or reply to the users
• The information submitted as a result of the participation of the users in our surveys is collected by us as additional profile information.
• The information contained in the messages or postings or other content on our site, posted by the users, shall be stored on our servers. Such information shall be visible to all the other users.
• All the other information pertaining to Personal Data like Operating system or version, Product Registration Number, etc. or any other information provided by the users voluntarily vide email to avail our support services shall be collected by us.
• Personal Data shall also be collected at points in our site which states that ‘Personal Data is being collected’
In order to make our site and service of more use to the users, information of the users such as operating system, browser type, Internet Protocol (IP) address, time logs of the visits of the users, domain names, etc. shall be collected by our servers which may be hosted by the third-party service provider. For the sake of understanding – IP address is a number assigned to the computer of the user when he /she uses the internet; IP address may vary from session to session.
In order to collect information pertaining to the visit of users like date and time and the information on the searches and views by the users, we shall also use cookies and URL information. For the sake of understanding – Cookies are small pieces of information that is sent by the websites to the hard drive of the user’s computer when the use visits or views the website. Both the sessions’ cookies, temporary (which expires when the user closes the web browsers) and persistent cookies (which remain on the hard drive of the computer until they are deleted by the user) may be used by us. Users can delete Persistent Cookies by following help file guidelines in the internet browser.
Anonymous and / or Personal Data of the users may be received by us from the firms or organizations that are our alliances and render our services through co-branded or private labelled companies or websites which offer our services and / or products on our site. In order to enhance our services and customer relations, such information received by us through these companies may be added to the existing Personal records of the users that are already collected and stored with us through site.
Users may be permitted to log in to our website or applications through the user account of any social networking site like Google Account or Facebook. Users may easily open an account on our site using the sign-on features of such sites that pre-populate our registration form with the information provided by the users. During the time of account creation (first time), the social networking sites ideally inform the users about the information that shall be shared with us.
Personal Data of the users is generally utilized to revert to the requests made by the users or to enhance our services. User’s Personal Data is used in the following ways –
1. To enable us to create users’ accounts on the site and secure the same on our network
2. For identification of users in our system
3. To enhance the administration of our sites and services
4. To render services requested by the users
5. To allow the users to download, share and / or buy digital designs of physical objects
6. To enhance the quality of experience of the users when they visit and interact with our site and services
7. To send emails to the users like welcome emails, security and/ or support and / or maintenance advice, promotional emails, newsletters, surveys, offers, etc.
8. To respond to the enquiries made by the users pertaining to the employment opportunities with us
9. To contact the users, vide telephone regularly as a measure of protection against secondary fraud and to solicit the feedback from the users.
Anonymous Data records may be created by us from the Personal Data of the users which will exclude information like name of the users. Such records may make the data personally recognizable to the users. To enhance the site content and site navigation, such Anonymous Data may be used by us in order to analyze requests made by the users and their usage patterns. The company reserves the right to use the Anonymous Data records for any purpose and to disclose such records to third parties at its sole discretion.
Under common control (Affiliates), Personal Data of the users may be shared with our other companies including, but not limited to our parent company, subsidiaries and joint ventures. In such event, Affiliates shall need to comply with our Privacy Policy contained herewith in. In case if another business firm takes over our company and assets, the Personal Data of the users which were collected by us shall be possessed by the new firm. Under such scenario, the acquiring company shall assume all the rights and obligations pertaining to the Personal Data of the users in accordance to this Privacy Policy.
Disclosure of Personal Data of the users may be made in the case wherever it is believed to be necessary (as described below) in good faith, irrespective of choices made by the users.
1. In regards to or connection with any legal investigation
2. To comply with prevailing laws in the country and / or to respond to warrants or subpoenas served on the company
3. In protection or defense of the rights or properties of the company and / or the users of the services
4. To investigate and / or provide assistance in prevention of any potential violation of prevailing laws of this Privacy Policy or Terms of Use.
In order to serve ads when users visit our site, services of third-party advertising companies might be used by us. These companies may collect the information pertaining to visits of the users to our website to provide the users with advertisements about products and/or services.
In the event when the users click on a link to an external website or location, they shall be redirected to another site and / or company / entity and shall no longer be on our company site. In such cases, the Personal Data records shall be collected by these third parties and not by our company site. Our company and / or site do not assume any control over the functioning of such third-party websites and we do not review and hence shall not be accountable for such third party websites and /or their content. Such third party websites and /or their contents are not liable and bound the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Personal Data or the information of the users may be shared with the third party service providers in order to provide the users the services like billing and credit card processing on our behalf. Such third-party service providers are accountable to use such Personal Data to provide the services requested by the users only and not otherwise.
Choices on collection, use and sharing of Personal Data of the users are given by us to the users. Free Newsletters and emails shall be sent to the users by us in order to promote our site and services. In case the users wish to stop receiving such email, they can indicate the preference of ‘Opting out’ provided in the promotional communication sent by us. By following unsubscribe link and instructions followed thereafter, users can opt out. However, the users may still receive emails pertaining to services, notices of updates to any of the terms and/ or policy of the company.
Users will have access to their Personal Data through their Account and they may make changes in the record by editing their profile or by contacting us by email. If need be, users can also make a request to delete their Personal Data stored with us. However, such data may be retained by us for some time if required and shall not be deleted for some time. In such scenario, compliance with the request of deletion shall be done only once the requirement is fulfilled. Once the user data is deleted by us, it may be deleted from the active database but may still be retained in the archives.
Banssi - House of Bansilal is a trading platform and a community wherein various features have been incorporated that permits the users and community members to connect with each other and interact in the public and /or semi-public domains. Users are requested to be vigilant and use their good judgement while posting their views or personal information on such domains. Information published on such public and/or semi-public domains is accessible to all and may be read, collected and/or utilized by others to send the users unsolicited messages. Such posts done by the users are usually not removed by us and may remain public even after the users close their accounts. Users shall be solely responsible for choosing and post their personal information on the community spaces which exists in the site name. Also, other members of the community may choose to follow the public activity of the users in order to get updates like uploading new models, etc.
We are committed to protect the security of the Personal Data of the users. In order to protect the Personal Data of the users from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, various high end security technology is deployed and procedures are followed by us. Users can access their Personal information only in their Account once they login using a password. Users must be vigilant and not share their passwords with anyone. However, despite all the security measures taken by us and the users, risks related to security of the Personal Data of the users cannot be eliminated and that mistakes may occur. Hence, we cannot guarantee absolute security of the Personal Data of the users.
This Privacy Policy may be revised occasionally and any material changes made in the way the Personal Data of the users being used by us, the same shall be intimated to the users by email on the last email address provided by the users and /or by posting a notice of changes on our site. Any changes made to this policy shall become effective within 30 days from the date of email sent to you or from the date of posting the notice on our site. However, for new users, the changes should be in effect on immediate basis. Users shall remain accountable for providing and updating their Personal Data including latest email address. If the email address provided by the user stands invalid and /or for such and/or any other reason/s, our email of intimation on changes in policy is not delivered to your mailbox, then our dispatch of email with such intimation shall still stand effective as notice. Use of Personal Data may be affected without prior notification with the changes in the policy. In case if the users wish to disallow such use, they must send a notification of deactivation of their Account to us prior to the effective date of changes. If users continue to use our site and services post the notice and changes in effect, it shall indicate that the users acknowledge such changes and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.
We would like to hear from our users. If any users have any query on this policy or would like to comment, please email us at Mail.